
WE LOVE THE 80's! The music, the energy, the clothes!!!

Planners! Come join us to celebrate the 80's while planning our hearts away! Come dressed in your favorite neon or 80's outfit!

There will be food, fun and great music! This will be one to share in your memory planners!

Lets not forget the door-prizes and destash! For everyone that has resolved to declutter their lives for your New Year's Resolution... It's not too late!

Also, there will be a gift exchange so please bring a wrapped or bagged gift worth $20 if you choose to participate.

GPC will have a COVID disclaimer at the door that will need to be signed. Attendance of course is at your own risk and GPC will not be held liable for any illnesses. For safety purposes, we will be taking necessary precautions. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to the above statements regarding attendance.

Tickets are non-refundable.