I Stand For Peace - Meditation & Dialogue with Gurudev


If a million of us have this intention of "I stand for peace," we can make magic! When 1% of the population meditates, it elevates the collective consciousness. Similarly, if enough people say "I stand up for peace," then we project that energy, that vision and it will happen!

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

In the midst of growing violence, social isolation, and mental health challenges at home, in our community, and globally, let's do our part for peace in the world, and for peace within.

On Monday May 23rd, 2022 - Treat yourself to an evening of Meditation and Wisdom with world renowned Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Gurudev has captured the hearts and minds of millions around the world through his meditations, breathing techniques and wisdom. He is an icon of non-violence and seeks global peace through service and fostering human values.

This event will include an interactive session where audience members will be given the opportunity to pose questions to Gurudev and enjoy his profound and often humorous answers.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy an evening of peace and to discover the depths of meditation!

Seating at the auditorium is limited and registration is nearing capacity. Please reserve your tickets soon to ensure a seat.

For questions contact – chandler@us.artofliving.org or (480)395-8672/ (832)-867-1500

Note: Recommended for children over 8 years old who can hold the space for a deep meditative experience.

No prior meditation experience required.

About Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Renowned meditation guru, humanitarian and thought leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar travels to over 100 cities per year, spreading joy, wisdom and purpose. When asked his mission, he once said, "to give everyone on the planet an unshakable smile." His expertise and success as a peacemaker in areas of conflict resolution, has been underpinned by his unique ability to bring people together through these practices.

For more information about Gurudev, please visit www.srisri.org

**The event will be following the AZ State Covid Guidelines.**

I Stand For Peace - Meditation & Dialogue with Gurudev image