IAW London: Elevate Your Influence- Mastering the Art of Public Speaking


Or shift their opinions. To successfully accomplish that, it's critical to understand influence and how to create more of it.

On Thursday, September 8th, IAW London will host an incredible panel of women who will discuss:

What influence is and why it's essential for success

Building your personal brand and speaking even when you have no experience

How to create messaging that resonates through storytelling and why it matters

Event Schedule

6:00 pm BST | Welcome & Introductions

6:10 pm BST | Panel Discussion

6:55 pm BST | Share Your Ask

The International Association of Women (IAW) is a global in-person and online professional networking platform that provides women with the forum, education, and services to thrive in an interconnected world.

IAW members have diverse backgrounds, beliefs, perspectives, and lifestyles, but with one common bond - their ability to succeed. Through local chapters and events, our community empowers members to realize their dreams, acquire the connections and knowledge needed to rise, and help them build better work-life integration and the confidence vital to lead.