IAW Orange County: How to Eliminate Self-Sabotage & Imposter Syndrome


and everyone will find out that you just got lucky? If you experience feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, you may be surprised to learn that you are in great company!

On Thursday, May 19th, IAW Orange County will host Natalie Clayton who will detail how to recognize imposter syndrome within oneself, and learn to identify your inner strengths, which can help overcome any obstacle life gives you.

  • 6:00 pm | Introductions
  • 6:10 pm | Tips & Round Table Discussion
  • 6:40 pm | Share Your Ask

Meet Our Guest Host | Natalie Clayton

As far back as she can remember, Natalie J Clayton, founder of TILT Synergy Inc. and DiamondShine Life Revitalization Strategies, has always had a calling to share her astute insights and help others rise to a better way to live. Thus, Natalie’s life journey has been all about standing strong in her power, optimizing adversity, and making a positive difference in the world.

She began her public justice and policing career after attaining a Bachelor of Arts in public administration and a Master of Science in human services, organizational management, and leadership. Among other professional highlights, Natalie excelled as a police officer, special agent, parole agent, and law enforcement professor amassing over twenty years of experience in all aspects of police training, including investigations, crime prevention, trauma assessment, undercover, and even rehabilitation.

While successful, Natalie longed to play more of a preventative role in individual lives, one that would capitalize on her innate strengths, her empathic gifts, and intuitive wisdom. Now, a certified life transformation coach with the International Coaching Federation, this dynamic thought leader is an award-winning speaker, educator, and sought-after self-change strategist. Working together in her innovative programs, Natalie will guide you to eliminate self-sabotage and imposter syndrome to live the joyous, confident, and abundant life you deserve!

The International Association of Women (IAW) is a global in-person and online professional networking platform that provides women with the forum, education, and services to thrive in an interconnected world.

IAW members have diverse backgrounds, beliefs, perspectives, and lifestyles, but with one common bond - their ability to succeed. Through local chapters and events, our community empowers each member to realize their dreams, acquire the connections and knowledge needed to rise, and help them build better work-life integration and the confidence that is vital to lead.