iMentor Baltimore Mentor Orientation


Mentor Orientation provides new and prospective volunteers with a detailed overview of the iMentor program model, mentor time commitment, expectations, and resources.

All prospective volunteers MUST attend an Orientation as the first step to becoming a mentor.

Unsure of whether you want to mentor? That's okay! Attend the Orientation to learn more details that will help you determine if iMentor is the right volunteer program for you.

While you wait for Orientation, please complete the Baltimore online mentor application here.

About iMentor

iMentor builds mentoring relationships that empower students from Baltimore city to graduate high school, succeed in college, explore careers, and achieve their ambitions. At the heart of our work is the belief that education is the pathway to success. iMentor launched in Baltimore City in spring 2019 and serves more than 6,000 students through our direct-service programs in Baltimore, New York City, Chicago, and the Bay Area.

Mentor Time Commitment

Mentors and mentees send one weekly message and connect face-to-face once a month.

Mentors commit to supporting one student beginning in the 11th grade and remain matched with that student through at least their first year post-high school.

Mentor Requirements

Mentors should live within commutable distance to Baltimore City and have completed at least a 2- or 4- year degree.

Mentors must be at least 21 years of age and will be required to complete a Baltimore City schools background check.

For questions about iMentor Baltimore's volunteer opportunity, email