
Collage is an activity that involves an assemblage of separate forms, thus creating a new whole. It is an improvisational activity and a wonderful practice of meditation.

In this session we will use whatever materials participants bring/find to create our collages and share our creative processes with each other.

All are welcome. No previous experience with collaging is necessary. Experience in cutting and pasting is a plus!

Join improvisers/facilitators Angelina Castellini and Marian Rich for a relaxing and fun session.

Angelina Castellini explores how we as humans can relate improvisationally to ourselves, each other, and our environments. As the founder of impro studio, she offers support for people to recognise, train and act on their improvisation abilities. Whatever happens, life is to be experienced and engaged with. This can be challenging. And fun!

Marian Rich is a social therapeutic coach, performance activist, and play revolutionary. She is an accomplished improviser, a lifelong community organizer, and a published author who has brought the transformational power of play and the joy of improvisational creativity to thousands of people across borders throughout the Covid pandemic. Over the past year she has developed a practice as an improvisational collage artist.

Improv Collage image
Improv Collage image