IN PERSON | Body Tapping to Boost Energy and Immune System w/ Diana Osberg


Body Tapping with Diana Osberg - Boost Energy and Immune System

2nd Wednesdays of the month | 7 - 8 PM | $20 | IN PERSON

Diana will lead you in a simple and easy practice of tapping that will change the whole way you feel energetically. You’ll use your own healing Nhands to tap your face, head, arms, hands, legs, feet, and body to release fear and anxiety, strengthen your immune system, and stimulate the flow of lifeforce energy.

Based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, tapping is an intensely powerful practice that helps you get over your biggest fears and release negative emotions that do not serve your highest good. It allows you to let go of limiting beliefs, stress, depression, and stuck feelings.

The thoughts and feelings that you have, positive or negative, manifest in your physical self because these thoughts and feelings are energetic vibrations. When negativity accumulates in your body, it can affect your physical well-being. These negative feelings disrupt the flow of energy in your body, and you might begin to feel sluggish or physically sick.

Tapping targets specific points along energy pathways called meridians to encourage the flow of positive energy through the body and make energy available for you to use. It’s a pleasant and soothing way to restore balance, wake up your body and brain, stimulate blood flow, and relieve stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, and other emotions that prevent you from being your best self.

Each week, we’ll focus on different themes that can include EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), Qi facial, hands and feet, brain, headaches, immune system boost, Vagus Nerve, kidneys, heart, acupressure self-massage, and breathwork linked to Qigong movements to support our work.


IN PERSON | Body Tapping to Boost Energy and Immune System w/ Diana Osberg image

Diana Osberg is certified as a Yin and Restorative yoga and sound healing medicine teacher, focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, nervous system response, anatomy, and alignment and is trained in Sudarshan Kriya breathwork. She teaches mindful breathing, meditation, meridian tapping, acupressure self-massage, and Yin and Restorative yoga. Diana originated the dance style Qi Beats and Body Drumming, based on the practice of Qigong. She is a wellness and mindfulness coach and founder of Inner Story Retreats.