Insurance 101 -State of the Market (2 real estate CE credits)


Come join us at Weichert Corporate office with our partners at Public Title Services. John & Monica will be teaching their highly requested "Insurance 101" class covering insurance basics and why insurance is increasing here in Florida. You do not want to miss out on this one!

Light breakfast will be provided.

Class Overview:

• Review the current state of the insurance market and how it is affecting realtors, lenders, and home buyers.

• Explain how aluminum wiring, polybutylene plumbing, and high-risk electrical panels can affect insurance rates

• Explain the different structures of roofs and home builds

• Describe various types of roofs and shingles

• Review solar panels & short-term rentals (Air Bnb’s) and how they can affect your homebuyers

• Explain why wind mitigations and 4-point inspections are crucial during this insurance market shift

• List tasks and repairs a homeowner can do to minimize insurance claims

• Review how natural disasters impact insurance

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