Introduction to the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation & the Silent Retreat Programs


About the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation:

Though it involves no effort, this ancient and rare type of meditation brought to us by the Founder of Art of Living and humanitarian, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar brings a profound effect and takes us deeper into our practice! Find out more about this mantra-based meditation practice and the Silence Retreat on this introductory workshop.

• Pre-requisite for taking this program-None

The Hidden Power of Silence- An Introduction to the Silent Retreat

The Silence retreat from the Art of Living is an expertly guided, immersive retreat into the profound depths of inner silence. Providing the perfect conditions to quiet mental chatter and connect with extraordinary peace. Featuring a mix of restorative breathing practices, daily yoga, deep wisdom, silence, and powerful guided meditations—a Silent Retreat is a transformative experience—you emerge feeling centered and refreshed, with renewed energy and focus that lasts the whole year. It’s an ideal way to reconnect with the practice and experience of SKY Breath Meditation and take your energy to the next level.

• Pre-requisite for taking this program- SKY Breath Meditation from the Art of Living