Intuitive Book Club - Bring Your Own Book


People love using books to learn, grow, and expand their minds & world; however, most book clubs either require everyone to read the same book which not everyone may be interested in, or agree on, OR... it's actually just an excuse to get together and drink wine without even talking about the book.

An intuitive book club allows everyone to bring whatever book they choose and creates an opportunity to discuss what they're learning, find new and interesting books, authors, or themes to explore, and have heart-centered and expansive conversations with a community of people all looking to share their passions and support others while learning something new and exciting along the way!

Anna Nyeste will be leading us in circle, which is always powerful, especially around a common intention. Anna will typically open each circle by guiding those present to connect with each other. Next connecting with the book they've brought, so they can open to receive whatever insights, knowledge, or messages books have for us, as well as others in our life.

It's called an intuitive book club because Anna relies on intuition to guide the flow of the event- which ensures no two will ever be the same, yet everyone will always receive exactly what they needed. This may look like guided discussions around a theme using the books we've brought, opening to a random page of our book and reading aloud wherever our eyes land trusting that message was needed for us or someone else present, or simply an open dialogue around the topics and themes that present themselves through our books.

This class will be held once per month on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

What to Bring: Feel free to bring a yoga mat, bolster or anything to make your experience comfortable. Bring An inspiring book or current read. Feel free to bring other books to exchange!

Where to Find Us: We'll meet under the Freedom Park Amphitheatre

Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to check-in. If you have never been to any of Habitual Roots' events, please consider registering yourself in the system to allow a quicker check in process.


Habitual Roots is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit inspires a more mindful community and creates holistic wellness that is personalized and accessible for all. Learn more or get involved on our website


Donation Options include: Eventbrite, Venmo @habitualroots, or our website.