Intuitive Collage & Writing BY DONATION (3rd Sundays of the month)


Join yoga teacher, writer & collage-lover Mel Toth for a practice of playful self-reflection through intuitive collage and writing.

No collage or writing experience necessary! If you can cut, paste and write a semi-coherent sentence, you can do this. Whether you're a writer who's stuck or a collage-lover who only writes lists, this process will open you to a new relationship with images, words and yourself.

What to expect: This Soul Collage © inspired practice begins with a brief guided meditation for connecting to intention. By allowing intuition to lead and letting the images speak, each individual opens to receiving powerful guidance from within. As we intuitively select and play with images, the analytical, logic-driven left brain is calmed so we can allow our collages to emerge in response to a deeper inner Knowing. After collaging, open ended prompts help us listen to that Knowing by contemplating what our collages are saying via stream of consciousness style writing. All participants will have the option to share with the group as members witness for each other in a simple yet profound way. Each session ends with a brief guided meditation for re-centering and feeling into the impact of our practice.

The intention of these sessions is to provide the energetic support of community as we explore this flexible process alongside others. A la, parallel playtime for grown-ups :)

After completing the session all new participants will be invited to join a private online group -- NOT on Facebook -- for sharing work and connecting with past and present participants.


• magazines or other print materials you’re willing to cut up

• scissors

• glue (glue sticks recommended; please note, gluing is optional!)

• heavy paper or large sketch book (at least 8 X 10)

• something to write with and on (longhand preferable to typing, if possible)

• neutral background listening material (optional)

Intuitive Collage & Writing BY DONATION (3rd Sundays of the month) image