Investor & Entrepreneur - Top Funding Challenges & Profitable Opportunities


Virtual Event Information will be shared a couple days before the event.

This special series of collaboration events is for Investors & Entrepreneurs in Fast Growth Companies and Business Owners from between Startup stage...up to companies with $5 Million in Revenue.

Primarily for entrepreneurs and investors who are building their fast growth business and their Early Stage Investment Portfolios, want to grow their revenues and connect with other investors, strategic partners, potential customers and future team members.

Angel Investors, Venture Capital, Family Offices and Alternative Funding Sources can share Top Challenges and Opportunities...either with their current Portfolio Companies and / or new Opportunities they are considering funding.

Entrepreneurs and Fast Growth Companies will be able to share their Top Challenges and Profitable Opportunities with Investors, potential strategic partners and other Experienced Serial Entrepreneurs.

Revenue Growth, Funding, Scaling and Profitable Exits are the core focus. (although other specific topics can be shared, time permitting).

The VentureSHOT Collaboration Team will guide the discussion and help attendees overcome some of the top challenges or make introductions to people, companies, investors and strategic partners that can help Investors and Entrepreneurs be more successful and profitable.

The majority of attendees are seasoned investors with numerous investments and serial entrepreneurs, who have launched more than one company.

(If you are newer to investing or entrepreneurship, that is great, we'll see what the VentureSHOT Collaboration Community of investors and entrepreneurs can do to help you become more successful.)

Please come prepared with at least one (or two) Top Challenges and / or Profitable Opportunities to share with the group.

We will often start with the most experienced investors and entrepreneurs and their Challenges / Opportunities, so that newer attendees can see who the event process works.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Dave Culver

Chief Collaboration Instigator
