Italian for Beginners - A1S1 (Online Class)


Join our online beginners class and learn the basics of the beautiful Italian language, you know the language you so badly want to learn to impress that one person *wink wink* (your special someone, your boss, or maybe for yourself and your dog will look at you funny when you talk to yourself at home), whatever the reason you want to learn we are here for it and we support you! Go you! We’ll help look even better by teaching you some Italian culture as well. You’ll be on the right track to feeling Italian all the way! Look at you! ;)

$202.50 ICCC Members | $225 Non-Members

Wednesdays, May 11 - June 22

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


If you would like to become a member of the Italian Cultural & Community Center, click on the following link:


For more information email:


The ICCC is funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.