Jerry's 19th Hole - Where Business Gets Done (Dec. 16)



Q: The 19th Hole?

A: Yup, it's the 'watering hole' after playing 18 holes of golf. Many business deals are 'sealed' on the golf course, and the agreement is solidified at the clubhouse or local bar or pub.

Q: Another networking event, how is this one different than every other event?

A: Unlike most networking events (in person or virtual), you find your mind wandering because of the '10 minute' presentation(s) that interferes with you truly making connections with like-minded business folk. We don't do that here. No Presentations Allowed; No Recruiting Either.

Q: That's awesome, but how do I make sustainable connections?

A: I take full advantage of modern technology and allow for more up-close and personal conversations with "breakout rooms." This gives you multiple opportunities to meet with nearly everyone at the event and shoot your shot to pitch your business more than once.

Q: Ok, I'm feeling this. How often can I join?

A: I'm here every week, on Thursday afternoon. The more often you attend, the more you grow your business.

Q: So, is this a membership?

A: Absolutely not! You can pick and choose when you want to attend. There are no membership requirements, no CE credits, no officers, no committees. Just bring your best elevator pitch sales game for only $9.00.

Q: Ok, Jerry, so, what are the rules?

A: The Don'ts & The Do's

No driving while networking (safety first), No eating while networking (that's rude), No recruiting (do that somewhere else).

Be Present (turn off the distractions), Be Enthusiastic (don't be boring), Adult Beverages are allowed (2 drink maximum), Be Polite, Be Appropriate. Have a good time!