Journey in to the feminine


I would love for you to join me on Sunday 20th November.

I will be holding a 2 hour workshop 5pm-7pm at Space to Move Mount Wise Plymouth.

During this journey I will teach the foundations of Feminine energy and how you can work with this energy within yourself to create a deeper relationship with your heart and soul.

Expect teachings from my lived experience

Practical embodiment tools for you to use to start the connection back to your feminine energy

Ecstatic dance journey- igniting the feminine fire

Soul sister connections

Decadent Fruit Platter to feast on

This workshop is for you if you are on a journey of connection back to your true authentic self. My intention for this space is that you recognise and relate to the feminine power that lies within you and learn ways to continue this journey of empowerment in day to day living.

Price £30