Kundalini Yoga and Reiki Transmission


Kundalini Yoga is know as the Yoga of Awareness. It combines movement, yoga posture, exercises, coordinated breathing, sounds, mantras, mudras (making energy curcuits with the body) before a grounding meditation and relaxation. It is during this relaxation that you will receive a direct energy transmission.

No flexibility or experience is necessary--do the best that you can. You will receive the energy just by being in class. A yoga mat and loose comfortable clothing are reccomended. No eating a heavy meal or consuming drugs and alcohol directly before class is strongly recommended.

Before laying down for relaxation and Reiki, please angle your camera to show as much of yourself as possible lying down on the floor.

This form of energy cultivation and reception is not a substitute other healing modalities for any medical needs, psychological disorders, emotional support, life advice. No guarentees are made towards and results or expectations you may have from your current perspective.