Kundalini Yoga + Gong Bath for Lion’s Gate


Join us Wednesday, August 10th for a special Kundalini Yoga + Meditation class and Gong Bath for The Lion’s Gate Portal! 🦁

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful blend of dynamic breath work, asana, meditation, and mantras. This enlightening practice works on strengthening the nervous system, increasing body strength, and awakening spiritual thoughts.

We'll move for about an hour and finish our time together with an extra long and juicy Savasana Gong Bath + Meditation.

This class is offered in the spirit of dhana or generousity. The suggested contribution is $20 for use of the space and for the time and energy of the healer, however no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Come as you are and that is perfect. ❤

When: August, 10th

Time: 7:00-8:15pm

Where: The Sanctuary downstairs at Creators Space in St. Paul

Energy exchange: $20 Suggested or $15-$25 Sliding Scale

To keep this an intimate class, spots are extremely limited so please register by heading over to: https://www.radiantlyaligned.com/events/

Or by venmo @Ali-Fitzpatrick.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out to radiantlyaligned@gmail.com

Sat Nam sweet friends and can't wait to practice with you soon! ❤
