
Although official statistics are not available, the Swiss Federation of the Deaf estimates that more than 20,000 people in Switzerland use a sign language as their primary means of communication. Yet, by international standards, Swiss sign languages are under-studied. In addition, there is a general lack of awareness about D/deaf cultures and their social and communicative experiences.

With the two-day workshop "Languages and Lives in Deaf Communities", the CSLS aims to start a public conversation on this issue. Over the course of two days, 11 international experts will present their research on various topics related to sign languages, including issues of identity, accessibility, education, multilingualism and linguistic variation. Group discussions will also take place in which audience members can ask questions and share their own experiences. The goal of the event is to make D/deaf communities more visible in all their linguistic and cultural aspects, to discuss hurdles and obstacles faced by deaf and hard-of-hearing people and to identify possible solutions, as well as to promote academic research in the field.

The workshop will take place on Friday, 18 November and Saturday, 19 November 2022 at the Konservatorium Bern and is organised by the CSLS in collaboration with the Swiss Federation of the Deaf (SGB-FSS) and the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). Participation is free and interpreting will be provided between Swiss German Sign Language (DSGS), American Sign Language (ASL), International Sign (IS) and spoken English.

The workshop will also be streamed and remote participation is possible.

More info on:

CSLS event website