Latin HIIT Dance exercise


Are you looking to improve your Latin dance technique and overall stamina and also get an AMAZING workout!

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, I guide my students through an intense 30min workout that alternates between traditional Hiit style workout routines and actual dance steps from your favorite latin dances.

- Each class consists of 3 rounds of 7 workouts/dance steps. Each interval is 45 seconds with a 25 second cool-down.

- Between every round there will be an active cool down of about 2.5 min to stretch and get ready to go 100% on the next round

- Every class will have a different theme, this includes; Cha Cha, Samba, Jive, Salsa and Bachata!

- The dance steps, while simple, will get harder to dance as we progress through the workout as your body gets tired. Just like in the later rounds of a dance competition.

Every workout will start with a dynamic workout and end with an active cool down, the floor will also be left open for students after class for about 15 min, to get their own personal stretching routines in should they need to.


Drop in rate is $10/class

Unlimited monthly pass Is $50 per person