LatinX in AI (LXAI) Workshop @ ICML 2022


Latinx in AI at ICML 2022

Important: This ICML LatinX in AI workshop will require a registration fee from ICML. However, we provide financial support to our community. Watch out for the announcement of the grant application submission.

The Official LXAI Research Workshop is co-located with ICML 2022. It will be held in Baltimore Maryland, USA.

Full Details: 

This workshop will have invited keynote speakers, oral speakers as well as poster presenters.


Our mission is to increase representation of our communities at the main conference and create a platform allowing our members to share their work, gain access to mentoring, collaborations, and networking opportunities with other researchers in artificial intelligence. There will be a panel discussion and a mentoring session to discuss current research trends and career choices in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The event aims to highlight work by Latinx researchers and we invite everyone to attend.


Workshop Chairs

Operations & Logistics - Fanny Nina Paravecino (Microsoft), Juan Miguel Vidal (Quantil)

Presentation - CJ Barberan (RICE University), Ramesh Doddaiah (DELL)

Mentorship - Rocio Milagros Zorrilla Coz (RHAMA), Wayner Jose Barrios Quiroga (Darmouth), Itzel Ruiz (Accel.AI)

Program Committee - Laura Montoya (LXAI, Accel.AI), Jose Manuel Saavedra Rondo (Universidad de los Andes, Chile)

Public Relations & Website - Javier Orduz (Baylor University, Texas), Maria Luisa Santiago (Accel.AI)

Sponsor & Finance - Abraham Ramos (Accel.AI)

Volunteer - Julio Hurtado (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)

Visa - Walter Perez Casas (UNICAMP), Andres Marquez (RIVIAN)

Annual Sponsors

Thank you to our amazing sponsors that are making this event possible!

Platinum: Google Research, Meta (previously Facebook)

Gold: Microsoft, Amazon

Silver: Salesforce

Bronze: Apple, Nvidia, Adobe