Leading Through Trauma: Being Present with Ourselves and Others at Work


In the heartbreaking aftermath of not just one but two recent mass shootings, on the heels of political decisions that have rolled back the rights of women and LGBTQIA people, and a war taking place abroad that is, by so few degrees of separation, incredibly close to home,

it's easy to feel like our world is coming apart at the seams.

At work, and at home, we find ourselves confronted with the tension between walking a straight line and keeping a straight face to get the day’s work done, and falling apart in the margins.

When our workplaces are rocked with the ripple of an event that triggers, shocks or traumatizes us as a collective, we may find ourselves responding out of contraction, fear and default habits that are inadequately responsive to the situation.

And yet, as leaders, we still have to show up. But how do we lead effectively at this moment when our societal structures, our teammates and family members, and even we ourselves are falling apart?

In this webinar we explore two critical questions about leading through times of trauma:

  • how can we best be with ourselves?
  • and, how can we best be with one another?

If you feel the need to better understand how trauma may have an impact on your leadership – and you are committed to showing up for your organization, team or community in the most centered and compassionate way possible at this time – please join us.