Learn Film Techniques To Tell Your Stories Through Amazing Videos


According to Forrester Research, the information retained from one minute of online video is equal to 1.8 million written words — making it one of the most efficient ways to get your message across.

Storytelling itself has tremendous staying power. Think back to your childhood. You probably have a handful of stories about your friends, family, school days, and experiences you can recall quickly. When you tell these stories, you’re likely overcome with emotion. You can remember everything from the people around you, to the sights and sounds of your surroundings.

Using video to tell stories can have a similar impact. Not only is video the most effective way to disseminate your story to large masses of people at one time, but it exponentially increases the chances your story will be remembered.

Here are just a few of the things video storytelling can do for your business.

  • Video Storytelling Helps with Brand Recall

It’s much easier to remember a story than a list of facts or promises and it’s even more memorable when combined with the power of video imagery. Creating a visual story will keep your company, ministry, story, testimony at the forefront of your viewer’s minds.

  • Video Storytelling Creates Brand Loyalty

Stories pull us in and create long-lasting impressions. Think about your favorite television show or the last book you read and couldn’t put down. This will earn your organization a place in the heart of people.

  • Video Storytelling Provides Valuable Information

According to Wordstream, viewers retain 95 percent of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10 percent when reading it in text.


Learn Film Techniques To Tell Your Stories Through Amazing Videos image

From 2013 - 2017, Emily directed and co-produced documentaries through Nepal, Germany, Jordan, South Africa, and other nations.

Since 2017, she has co-directed an initiative (“The Couch Inc”) to amplify the voices of black students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the States.

In 2021, she earned her Masters of Film Production - Directing emphasis - from Chapman University - where she wrote and directed 4 short films. Emily continues to direct documentaries, and she is now developing her first narrative feature film - shaped by the nexus of dynamic naturalism and formalist expression. E.C. is a director, poet, writer, actor, and she counts humble curiosity as the core of her filmmaking.

What do you sign up to the 7 days Film bootcamp?

See the modules below:

1. Intro to Technical Film Skills

  • -Help with mastering the technical side of whatever equipment you shoot with.
  • -Shot design - visual design
  • -Interview skills
  • -Basics on exposure and lighting

2. Intro to Documentary Storytelling

  • -The necessity of humility in documentary ("reverence" - bearing witness, not control)
  • -Capturing stories as honestly as possible
  • -What makes a compelling story

3. Creative Inspiration Sessions

  • -I want to ignite your students and give them tools to think creatively, outside the box, and to be open to the creative surprises all around them as they go out.
  • -Ideation session for storytelling
  • -Visual Design play - out-of-the-box creative prompts to shoot.
  • -Inspiring references

4. Filmmaking Teamwork

  • -Directing, Sound, Cinematography, Producer, Editor, etc.
  • -Insights for effectively collaborating as a film team
  • -Roles on documentary sets
  • -What's essential? Who should do it? How to share the workload and collaborate.

5. Film Screening / Discussion

  • -I'd love to host an evening screening of either several short films, clips, or a longer documentary. Let me know what you think!

6. Q&A session

  • I'd love to devote time to hearing students' questions about film, directing, my own experience, etc. I want to be a resource to them.