Let's Talk Trash (Cans) in San Francisco w/ the Dept of Public Works!


This summer, San Francisco Public Works launches its public trash can pilot program. Prototypes of their next-generation public trash cans are on the street for real-life testing. Community members have the opportunity to evaluate the cans and give input into the final selection.

During the 60-day test period, custom and off-the-shelf models are in neighborhoods around the City. Public Works is soliciting feedback from residents, business owners and staff from nonprofit organizations and Recology, which services the cans.

At the end of the test period, Public Works will review and assess the feedback and land on a final design for the new City can. After the design is set, a Request for Proposals will be developed to select the manufacturer for San Francisco’s 3,000-plus public trash cans.

Please refer to sfpublicworks.org/trashcanpilot for more information.

About SF Public Works:

San Francisco Public Works is one of the largest and most complex municipal operations in the City, with a 1,600-member workforce and a $384 million annual operating budget. The department's active capital project portfolio exceeds $3 billion. As one of San Francisco oldest City departments, it is also one of the most forward-thinking.

As a 24/7 operation with a diverse set of responsibilities, Public Works touches every neighborhood in San Francisco. The staff designs and manages construction of civic buildings and streets, cleans and greens the right of way, maintains civic buildings; trains people for jobs, keeps the right of way free of hazards, paves the streets, repairs bridges and public stairways, expands accessibility and works at the forefront addressing some of San Francisco’s biggest challenges, including homelessness.