Liminal Workshop: Reduce Stress* Access Intuition* Discover Solutions*


Give yourself a clear vision of your preferred day/week/future using Solution Focused techniques and Liminal Coaching guided relaxation.

For over a decade our technique has proven to help private clients thrive and professional teams align while reducing stress and overcoming burnout .

Liminal coaching uses a radically new understanding of meditation, hypnotherapy and the science of metaphor to communicate directly with the subconscious. When this connection becomes fluid, capability for creativity flows powerfully into personal and work life. The best part is its fun and you get to have a nap!

Workshop details:

-Based on scientific evidence, explanation of what happens in our bodies and brains when we are in default mode, rem and daydream states and how growth and change are easier than we are lead to believe.

-Breakout room (optional) serving to boost serotonin making folks a bit happier.

-15 minute guided relaxation setting a calm and productive flow for your day.

-30 minute (optional) on the tail end allowing time for an informal chat and Q&A.

Drop on by...We look forward to seeing you.

Jordan and Mike

Download the above MP3 and listen to it while falling asleep at night prior to the workshop. A few nights of this will reduce your stress levels and increase the efficacy of the workshop.