Lithomancy and the Near Death Experience (NDE) - Gary Wimmer (Online)


In this ONLINE class, master psychic Gary L. Wimmer offers a class on Lithomancy, the psychic art of reading stones.

Gary will also share what he learned from his intense but enlightening 1977 NDE, an experience that revealed the Unity that underlies all things, and still profoundly inspires and empowers him to this day.  

First, Gary will explain his method of divination: Lithomancy, the interpreting of patterns of stones. He will then discuss his 1977 near-death experience (NDE).

Lithomancy is the psychic art of giving readings and/or gathering insights and information via interpreting the unique pattern formed when a person drops Sixteen Stones into a circle of leather or lace, which represents the environment.

The Sixteen Stones consist of Six Personal Stones (Life, Luck, Love, Commitment, Magic, and Place) and Ten Planet Stones and their astrological associations (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto).

Every Pattern is unique, and each reveals – in symbolic form – information that is read in a clock-like fashion, starting at or near the center of the Circle and reading towards 12 o’clock, then around the Circle with each hour on an imaginary clock representing one week.

Students develop skills at Lithomancy by learning the symbolism and meaning behind each stone and learning different ways to notice a pattern, then combining that knowledge with intuition to interpret what the pattern represents. Every person is different, and every reader will invariably develop a personal style and read from a unique psychic perspective.

Gary will also share what he learned from his intense but enlightening near death experience (aka NDE) when as a pedestrian, he was hit head-on by a speeding car. Revealing the Unity that underlies all things, that intense experience changed his life forever and still profoundly inspires and empowers him to this day.


About the Instructor

Gary started giving readings in 1973. In 1980, he met Alice Worrall, an amazingly gifted psychic. She taught him Lithomancy and he has used that methodology ever since. Gary has given profoundly accurate readings in person and over the phone to people from all over the world. He speaks at various NDE groups and events (IANDS, INACS, etc.) and has been featured on numerous radio shows and video interviews. Gary also worked as a professional musician for five decades and lived in Europe from 1993 to 2000. He currently resides in Austin, Texas. Contact him about readings (individuals and groups), speaking engagements, and interviews.

Gary is the author of Lithomancy: The Psychic Art of Reading Stones, the only comprehensive book on this amazingly revealing methodology.

He also wrote A Second in Eternity, the true story about a “near-death” experience he had in 1977 that revealed the Unity that underlies all things, and still profoundly inspires him to this day.

This event is organized and sponsored by The Seeker's Round Table.

Lithomancy and the Near Death Experience (NDE) - Gary Wimmer (Online) image