'London’s Hampstead Garden Suburb: Arts and Crafts Movement Utopia' Webinar


Nestled between the London neighborhoods of Golders Green and Hampstead is a verdant pocket of secret London that embodies the Arts and Craft Movement like no London suburb. How is it that it never gave into the drab, uninspired architecture and urban plans of the Industrial Revolution? And why hasn't it changed much since 1907? It's time to travel back in time to the dawn of the 20th century and explore one of London’s most magical neighborhoods.

Join New York Adventure Club on a virtual experience as we discover the past and present of Hampstead Garden Suburb — inspired by the Garden City Movement at the dawn of the 20th Century, and graced with the work of architects Edwin Lutyens and Raymond Unwin, Hampstead Garden Suburb is a perfectly preserved Edwardian timepiece and the vision of philanthropist Henrietta Barnett.

Led by award winning London Blue Badge Tour Guide Karen Pierce-Goulding, our digital showcase of London’s Hampstead Garden Suburb will include:

  • The emergence of the late-19th century Arts and Crafts Movement as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution
  • The effect that the London Underground Railway had on London suburban towns and villages when it was built in 1863
  • Domestic architecture in the early 1900s and the growing importance of garden design in London Philanthropic pioneers - the force behind social housing as a reaction to a growing urban population.
  • Idealism and liberal movements of the early 20th century, and how they're encapsulated in Hampstead Garden Suburb

Afterward, we'll have a Q&A session with Karen — any and all questions about London's Hampstead Garden Suburb are welcomed and encouraged!

Can't make it live? Don't worry, you'll have access to the full replay for one week!

See you there, virtually!

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**For the best possible viewing experience, please ensure you're using the latest version of your internet browser — Google Chrome is the most compatible. Exact technical requirements and a webinar user guide will be shared in the automated confirmation email upon registration.

***A full replay will be available after the experience for all registered guests

About Karen

Karen is a specialist London Blue Badge guide with 20 years experience and a passion for theatre and literature. A journalist and reformed actress, she is also a published author, her book “Royal London - The Haunts and Hideouts of Kings and Queens" is a lighthearted guide to all things royal in London .

In recent years she has worked as a television presenter , appearing in a series of thirteen in-depth travel programmes for Discovery Television's "London Next Stop".

Karen also won the "Blue Badge Guide of the Year" award when she qualified in 2002 and was listed by “Travel and Leisure Magazine” as one of the World’s Greatest Tour Guides.


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Categories: Virtual, Neighborhoods