Manage Your Money....MASTER YOUR LIFE!


Manage Your Money....MASTER YOUR LIFE! image

Class Descriptions & Dates:

There are a series of classes below. Please register according to the classes that you would like to take. The two part classes require you to attend both sessions. Please use the name you are registering with in your Zoom login so that we can verify the exact name of the registrant.

**Week 1 (Sept 13th & 15th)**- Tamara Rivers, The Financial Transformation - this is a two-part class-Financial Psychology: An in-depth look at the psychological factors that affect how we handle our personal finances.

Week 2 ( Sept 20th & 22nd) Tamara Rivers, The Financial Transformation is a two-part class - Savings, Expenses & Budgeting: Introduces the basic aspects of budgeting and how it benefits your progress toward attaining your desired lifestyle and financial goals. Gain an understanding of how savings form the foundation of financial planning and learn the components of a savings plan while learning the importance of evaluating purchases as "needs" and "wants."

Week 3 (Sept 27th)- Richard Lorenzo, First National Bank-Account Management & Team Members: Learn the essentials of how to set up and manage accounts with financial institutions, and why and how to establish a team of advisors.

Week 4 (Sept 29 th & Oct 4th)- Tamara Rivers, The Financial Transformation-Building Your Credit Rating: Focuses on credit, how it affects your personal financials, and how to get and maintain good credit.

Week 5 (Oct 6th)- Georgette Best, Best Dynasty- Economic & Government Influences: Covers the various types of taxes one should consider for financial planning purposes.

Week 6 (Oct 11th & 13th)- Ty Coleman, Guild Mortgage- Loans & Debt: Learn the ins and outs of loans and debt. "Good" vs. "Bad" debt, basic loan calculations, risks and consequences of various debt types with tips for mitigating debt risks, credit cards potential advantages and drawbacks, vehicle loan and lease options, types of home mortgages along with the qualifications and requirements for all.

Week 7 (Oct 18th)- Dominique Fritz, Mark Staffing-Career Planning: Learn various ways to generate income and strategies for securing and supplementing your income. We will discuss finding work in alignment with your dreams and passions, the rapid recent advances in globalism, and technology that affect job and income security, steps to maximize earning potential, how to obtain salary increases from current employers, and methods for seeking out and obtaining new opportunities

We look forwarding to seeing you in class!