Marketing & Mocktails: Creative Conversations to Amplify Your Work


Join Katie Morell (Writer, Coach + Podcaster) and Susan G Schroeder (Creative Strategist, Marketing Advisor + Storyteller) for a conversation to help you amplify your work and actually enjoy marketing.

This month is all about PLANNING AHEAD! LET'S PLAN FOR A FUN Q3 + Q4.

It's July and you know what that means?!!? It's time to plan for the holidays. Bring your calendar templates! Paper calendars and a pencil work amazing for this workshop. Don't get us wrong here...we know you may be in the throws of your summer vacation, but we want you to understand that this important planning date will set you up for a successful end of the year. Imagine it's the end of're sipping hot cocoa under a warm cozy blanket...and you're feeling so satisfied, proud, and excited that your business is tucked in for the winter and you know that it's all because you PLANNED EARLY for Q3 & Q4.

In this gathering, we'll briefly discuss the importance of planning. We'll talk about how to set some short term goals, brainstorm for strategies to help you achieve those goals and then we will actually put dates on the calendar for when you're going to make things happen.

BONUS: This is going to be a very interactive Marketing & Mocktails event! Those of you who attended Marketing 101...this is your chance for another live, guided planning session. Picture us as the tour guides for your marketing journey this fall.

Join us! Listen in, ask questions, laugh with us, brainstorm, create, plan, and share your current Mocktail of choice.

Tickets are $35 and we can't wait to see you on Zoom.

QUESTIONS about the event? Reach out!

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Susan G Schroeder is a Creative Strategist, Marketing Advisor + Storyteller with over 20 years of experience bringing high-quality, impactful products and services to market. As the Founder and CEO of SGS Workshop, Susan works closely with business owners, non-profit leaders, and artists to help them develop, launch, and amplify their work. Married to her college sweetheart, Susan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, two daughters, and two giant dogs. Learn more, connect with Susan, and gain marketing tips and creative insights at or on Instagram @susangschroeder.

Katie Morell is a writer, journalist, workshop facilitator, dancer, dog-lover, podcaster, and mental health advocate who lives in Bend, Oregon. Her stories range in topics from business and social justice to body acceptance and animal conservation. She also regularly consults with companies on strategy, ghostwriting, and content. In addition, Katie coaches other writers, facilitates Joy & Vulnerability Virtual Writing Workshops; pens a monthly newsletter about joy, pain, and vulnerability called Rainbows & Shitpiles; writes a newsletter about her professional life called The Katie Morell Weekly(ish), and co-hosts a mental health/humor podcast called Of Course I'm Not OK. Learn more at

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