Master Networks Chapter Meeting - Bismarck ND


Master Networks Bismarck Chapter invites you to meet their members and check out the opportunity to join them.  This is a free event for people who want to:

  • Expand their network of professionals
  • Increase their personal growth in any position

Does this sound like you? Does it sound like anyone you know? Bring them along!

 So what can you expect from this meeting?

  • You will learn why Master Networks is the solution for local business owners
  • You will get the opportunity to introduce yourself, your business, and what you need to explode your growth
  • You will learn how Master Networks can help!

If you are a local business owner, entrepreneur, self-employed, seeking a new job, working in a sales position, or rely on referrals in any way, this meeting is for you! Let us help you bring your game up to a new level.

Come be included in the face-to-face conversations that will shape the daily business in Bismarck! We are meeting face-to-face.

Location: Securian Financial Advisors of North Dakota, 4431 Memorial Highway, Mandan, ND