Medical Wig Training: Accept Insurance and Gov. Contracts for Wigs


Medical Wig Training: Accept Insurance and Gov. Contracts for Wigs image

Payment Plans now available! You can use ShopPay by clicking this here !

If you are wanting to pay via Klarna, please find our course by searching!

The complete class total is $1650 and you can register directly for this e-course by clicking here !

Our most requested class is finally here and made via e-course so that you can replay the information time after time!

We have trained stylist and aspiring stylist from all over the world!

The course includes pre-recorded videos with ALL the documents you need to get started! We also go a step above and submit your information to multiple insurance panels. Next, you learn how to accept Veteran Benefits and other Government Contracts. Once you complete the course, book your Strategy Call with our owner!

BUT WAIT! Do you realize this is a 3-in-1 course? You will learn how to bill insurance as well as how to accept HSA/FSA and CareCredit. Next you will learn how to accept Veteran (VA) Benefits and how to establish rapport with multiple VA Hospitals (This is taking your business to the federal level). Lastly, you will learn how to accept Government Contracts and certifications!!

This class is open to those who are licensed and unlicensed, including barbers and braiders! Starting September 1, 2021, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) no longer requires individuals to be licensed in order to make wigs! This is the best time to take this class and start your complete medical wig line. You will be ahead of the competition by learning how to accept government contracts and insurance. We are NOT holding anything back and will teach students how to strive during this pandemic! Students will also learn how to accept CareCredit and HSA/FSA benefits

Did you know that each wig made for a veteran and/or for those using their insurance, the price ranges from $1300-3500 depending on your client's unique hair loss?

Let's break this down.

An average sale is $1300- 2,200 for a medical wig.

1 Client a week $2200 x4= $8800 x 12months= $105, 6000.

If you know your numbers, you can grow your numbers so let's take it up a notch!

500 clients x $2200= $1,100,000.

There WILL be MILLIONAIRES created from this class!

Keep reading! There's more exciting news!

A Cranial Prosthesis is the medical term for a Medical Wig. We will teach you how to provide Medical Wigs for Alopecia and so much more!

Here's What You Will Learn:

-Medical Terminology and Diagnosis Billing Code

-How to create an itemized invoice approved by VA Hospital and Insurance Companies

-What is a Cranial Prosthesis and who is a great candidate for a Cranial Prosthesis

-Proper Way to Measure

-Different types of hair loss, causes and the appropriate wig construction for each type

-Medical Wig Hair Vendor for Cranial Prosthesis

-Wig Supply Vendor (Yes! Lace Tape and Glue that will keep your client's unit on up to 4 weeks!)

-How to bill insurance companies such as, United Healthcare, Aetna and BlueCross BlueShield

-How to bid on Government Contracts such as, The House of Representatives

-How to accept Veteran Benefits through The Veteran Affairs (VA) Hospital

-How to be on the directory for American Cancer Society and National Alopecia Association

-ALL forms (Medical History, Consent and Waiver, Photo Release Form, Payment Contract)





This class does not teach how to make a wig. Wig making classes are separate. Please visit for our in-person Wig Making Classes and for our e-course!

This class will NOT be offered often!

Must have a passion for helping others to attend this class!

Medical Wig Training: Accept Insurance and Gov. Contracts for Wigs image
Medical Wig Training: Accept Insurance and Gov. Contracts for Wigs image
Medical Wig Training: Accept Insurance and Gov. Contracts for Wigs image