Meditate with horses


The Method

A typical session would start with a lesson in safety and horse psychology and then some grooming so we can bond with the horses in the same way that they do. Next some exercises to help you feel still and relaxed. Once we are still, we wait for the horses to respond. The horses normally get very sleepy and affectionate and choose to be very close to you. Sometimes they like to lie down and have a sleep or they may just want to touch you in some way. At this point, we deepen our mediation and come into a state of bliss, clarity or euphoria.

Often, I do a guided meditation or make some intentional physical connections with the horses, such as a heart connection. Sometimes, especially with young people, we play games with the horses, asking them to follow us around obstacles or complete challenges. We are playful and absorbed, we find our inner children.

The physical benefit from meditating with horses?

Lower cortisol levels, improved immune system, improved brain function, improved digestive system, a boost in serotonin levels and oxytocin. Heart rates and blood pressure decrease. How does this work? When meditating, the body undergoes a structural change, in fact, MRI images show a complete change in the brain’s different departments, changes that relax the body. When meditating, beta waves, produced when information is being processed, decrease, and are replaced by alpha waves, which are associated with total brain coherence. The frontal and parietal lobes, which deal with reasoning, planning, and processing sensory information, slow down. And without a glut of incoming stimuli, the nervous system is able to rest, resulting in relaxation and improved functioning in the entire body.

Meditate with horses image

Meditate with horses