Memorial Presbyterian Church - Charlotte In-Person Worship


To our Memorial Members,

As we prepare to reopen on Sunday, January 9, 2022, we are taking measures to protect the health and safety of those who enter the building. We will be offering a hybrid service.

The service happening in the building will be accessible online at the same time. We understand that the pandemic affects people differently. However, you choose to worship, you are still a vital part of our church family.

The Return to In-Person Worship Team: Stephen Pass, Chairperson, Dr. Karen Breach Washington, Dr. Jerry Jones, and Mrs. Juanita Craghead, State Alexander III, Jocelyn Thompson, Gerald Hood, Judith Cowan, Jack Brayboy, and Lara Rann

Coordinators: Preston Hill, Frank Toliver, Johnny Mills, Herbert Spicer, James Gaither, and Wendell Hill

This agreement is adapted with permission from the Pinnacle Group.

WE WILL: assume the best in one another and be patient with each other as we navigate a new reality;

WE WILL: register using EventBrite by 5:00pm on the Thursday prior to the Sunday worship service; or

WE WILL: register by calling the Church at (704) 392-4752 by 5:00 on Thursday before service;

WE WILL: not come to church if we have symptoms;

WE WILL: present proof of vaccination

WE WILL: keep 6’ distance from those not in our families;

WE WILL: refrain from hugging and shaking hands;

WE WILL: wear fitting face masks covering the nose and mouth for all attendees over six years old;

WE WILL: observe the alternatives for collection of offering, and the observance of Communion;

WE WILL: follow the directions of the ushers as they lead us to our seats;

WE WILL: remain seated until we are dismissed by the ushers from our seats;

WE WILL: use the designated door for entry and the other designated door for exiting the sanctuary; and,

WE WILL: stay flexible in order to respond to the nature of the pandemic.

Memorial Presbyterian Church - Charlotte  In-Person Worship image