Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain The Future Of The Internet In The Virtual World


Join us for our inaugural NFT Basecamp, where we discuss the current NFT trends, insights, & tech

Welcome to NFT Basecamp at Heyluu. This event series is focused on learning from the NFT trailblazers building the future of #Web3. Nothing better than spending the afternoon with your fellow participants talking alpha, mints, and moves. Join us and bring a friend.

Let's talk about Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain, and everything about this fascinating future of the internet in the Virtual World.

Let's talk about Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain, and everything about this fascinating future of the internet in the Virtual World.

Perfect opportunity to make connections and new friends.

Meet the diverse mix of professionals from different career levels. Mingle, socialize and make new friends.

Metaverse in the decentralized world. Learn about Metaverse, NFTs, Blockchain, and everything about this fascinating future of the internet in the Virtual World along with monetization opportunities, DAOs & Community Building.

Also, you can expose all your NFTs and show them to your friends and to all the world in Heyluu World.

Event Instructions