英倫秋月夜 Mid Autumn Night's Dream



Victoria Harbor Group 將於中秋節正日及翌日喺Central London嘅Victoria地鐵站附近舉辦名為英倫秋月夜~Mid Autumn Night’s Dream~嘅中秋節活動,希望與英國港人一同歡渡中秋節🌕✨無論你係一家大細或者情侶朋友,都會搵到啱你心水嘅活動!同時亦歡迎邀請你嘅本地朋友,向本地人推廣吓香港文化。



地點 : Westminster Kingsway College - Victoria Centre, 76 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PD








除咗大會入場門票外,以上活動亦開放咗預約,名額有限,請盡早按此預約 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦!



Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival traditionally celebrated with family gatherings, giving thanks, and eating moon cakes. This year, Victoria Harbor Group is hosting The Mid-Autumn Night’s Dream in CENTRAL LONDON! The event hopes to bring together families from Hong Kong, and celebrate this festive occasion with our local British community.

Date: 10 & 11 September

Time: 12pm-8pm (Set up: 11-12pm)

Venue: Westminster Kingsway College - Victoria Centre, 76 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PD

🍴Hong Kong style Food and Drinks

🕯Home-made goods

💇🏻‍♀️Hair cutting, Traditional Chinese Medicine

💃🏻Talks and performances

👨‍👩‍👧Children’s workshops (Further details for sign up will be announced soon.)

🏮Festive activities: Lantern making workshops, Lantern riddles

🎊FREE entry to the fair!

Our talks, performances and festive activities are available for reservation now.

Due to fire regulations, visitors may need to join the queue when the number of people on site is over the safety limit. We appreciate your understanding 🙏🏻