
Midnight Cowboy - 1969, 1h 53m, John Schlesinger, R - A Texas boy moves to the Big Apple and starts a tumultuous career as a hustler.

SideShow Cinematheque is a unique micro theater in Los Angeles featuring experimental, contemporary, and independent films. We are open to the public on a strict reservation basis -- our small screening room allows for one single individual or one-individual-and-a-friend (for a total of two persons). Please reserve for yourself and/or yourself and a friend for each film of the daily double-feature. You may attend one film or both for a suggested donation of $10 for just you or $15 for you and a friend. Snacks and beverages are also available on a suggested donation basis.

There is a 15 minute grace period after the designated show time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your seat will be given away or the screening will be canceled.

We look forward to welcoming you!