Mind-Body Transformation Masterclass: 3 Simple Steps to Feel Better Today!


ATTN: Women 30+ Struggling with Mental/Emotional/Physical PAIN & SUFFERING

💚 Are you struggling with self worth, depression or anxiety?

💛 Are you suffering from pain and limitation?

🧡 Are you ready to transform into lasting freedom and thriving health?

- If you answered YES to any of these questions, this training is for you!

Whether you have suffered from emotional, physical, or mental pain, you can gain the tools transform that pain into your biggest breakthrough and experience the freedom that you've been dreaming of!

During this 2-hour Masterclass, you will:

VISUALIZE your truest self so that you can direct your powerful intention to create what YOU truly want rather than what you’ve been settling for or what makes others happy

MASTER your limiting beliefs so that you can not only recognize where your thoughts and feelings have been holding you back, but also learn how to manifest what you want rather than what you fear

EMBODY your healthiest life so that you can live the life you’ve only dreamed of but truly deserve, because our experience here is meant to be a powerful joyful one (not one of trial and suffering)


“Casandra's gifts lie in helping others self-actualize their fullest expression of individuality and personhood, shamelessly, joyously and spiritually on earth."


“I started seeing Casandra for massage over 20 years ago. It was clear to me at that first session that she was one of the most incredible healers I’ve ever worked with, so I’ve been working with her consistently since then. One of the things that impresses me the most about her is her continual drive to learn, grow, and expand her wealth and depth of knowledge. Over the years, she’s studied many different methodologies and always brings such profound healing treatments and guidance to any issue I’ve walked in the door with. She literally notices some of my physical or energetic issues that I’ve walked in the door with, even articulating them before I’m able to. Her healing intuition is a thing of wonder.

I continued to see her virtually during the pandemic. I don’t know how I could have gotten through the pandemic without her coaching, insight and light. Even remotely her ability to connect the physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual planes is lifesaving.”

~ Niki

“I’ve gone to Casandra off and on for 20 years, and I have always been so grateful to have her on my team. I deeply appreciate her ability to see and sense the root of whatever is going on, and to tell me the plain truth of what she sees with unwavering directness, integrity, and compassion. Her intuition is spot on. Her teaching is immaculate. She has guided me through so many life transitions and now that I live on the east coast, I am thrilled to be able to work with her virtually! I recommend Casandra’s work wholeheartedly to anyone who is ready to work deeply to connect to their empowered self and heal whatever is muddying that connection.”

~ Maggie


As a Mind Body Holistic Coach, I work with Thought Pain Therapy to reduce pain, trauma and illness physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have been in business since 1999, and am trained and certified in a number of different modalities.

I have made it my life's work to study the effects of thoughts, emotions and energy on the physical body, and I serve people who are ready to transform their lives from pain and limitation to lasting freedom and thriving health!


💠 Thought Pain Therapy

💠 Auto Immune Recovery

💠 Mind-Body Health Consulting

💠 Usui and Karuna Reiki

💠 Freedom from Pain Programs

💠 Traditional Chinese Medicine

💠 Myofascial Release

💠 Acupressure

💠 Spiritual Counseling

I am committed to your long term health and well-being. I have been studying healing, anxiety and trauma most of my life, dedicating my health practice to finding relief for chronic pain sufferers, and helping clients explore their mind-body connection. It's my passion and my life's work, and I'm so grateful to love what I do!