Mindful Life Workshop Series


Join us for a workshop series focused on building self trust and confidence in your choices and direction in life. Each workshop will be lead by Jean Madison who is a skilled life & career transition coach and together you'll work toward these goals (and your personal goals) through building a personal vision for your life (and learning how to come back to and hone in on that vision over and over again as you and the world around you changes). Building a vision is just the start, because no vision is complete [or realistic] without boundaries, expectations, understanding how to cultivate rest & play and having the support systems in place to help you along the way.

Throughout this series we will be moving through a process of learning, exploring and growing - and you will walk away with a clearer idea of how to move forward in your life, intentional goals to get you there, and the self-trust to make big [sometimes scary] decisions to get you there.

The topics we will move through in this workshop series:

Vision Building- August 24th

Cultivating Boundaries & Using your Voice- October 26th

Managing Expectations & Stress- November 16th

Cultivating Rest & Play- December 14th

Building & Utilizing Support Systems- January 25th

Being Present & building Self-Trust- February 26th

*It is not required to attend every workshop in order to get the benefits of one

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