Mindfulness through the arts to reduce stress and promote clear thinking.


How important is peace of mind to you?

What sacrifices are you willing to make to know comfort, bliss or ecstasy?

Its your mind that takes you there.

Maybe you heard about all this mindfulness stuff but it's never worked for you, it's too complicated , or its boring, or too 'woo woo'?

It's time to change that thinking.

Instead lets look at mindfulness as an artform, a "performance art" that changes your mood, improves concentration and can tame your subconscious.

Funny thing about it, humans have been doing this on their own for centuries, we just never looked at it from the perspective of the arts!

After this free class, you will have an entire array of easy to use tools and practices to take over your mind, by just performing any one these simple artforms!

You will know exactly how to privately, personally, and quickly feel more relaxed and comfortable without drugs, or causing yourself harm in any way.

Be the the person in charge of yourself in any situation!

Become totally connected, and no matter what be able to calm yourself and others, retain control over your emotions and stop all the negative images, nightmares, thoughts or memories that keep repeating in your mind.

This Saturday is your only opportunity to get these 10 proven practices or "recipes" that come from all over the world at the Miller Library in Ellicott City.

Mindfulness is a proven cure to PTSD.

Isn't it time you learned these secrets, if not for you, then someone else?

Sign up now, an opportunity like this doesn't happen too often.

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In the class you will learn the story behind each of these images.

Mindfulness through the arts to reduce stress and promote clear thinking. image

You will recieve a free 24 page full color booklet that explains everything so you can do it on your own.

Mindfulness through the arts to reduce stress and promote clear thinking. image

Register now to make sure you get a seat.