'Mindfulness Workshop' as part of Leeds Wellbeing Week


This workshop encourages you to be in the present moment and acknowledge the positives right now!

But how can we learn the ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us?

Mindfulness can be a straightforward form of meditation. Once we've spoken about where it comes from, what it consists of, and start practising simple techniques to reap its benefits: mindfulness improves wellbeing, physical health and mental health.

Join Vicky Fytche our Wellbeing Delivery Manager at OneWellness to experience our interactive workshop, alongside techniques such as Imagery (or being in your happy, present place) and connecting with all senses.

We will also have a Relaxation technique of box breathing to reduce heart rate, blood pressure and relax muscles.

You will learn to perform daily tasks in and out of the workplace with a greater sense of awareness to achieve satisfaction and success.

We welcome and are keen to meet all of you who need to reset from life's daily pressures and seek to bring calm into your day.

Mindfulness workshop schedule:

  • 5 pm - Introduce OneWellness
  • 5:05 pm - What is mindfulness
  • 5:15 pm - What are the benefits of mindfulness
  • 5:25pm - Box breathing
  • 5:30 pm - Imagery Technique (Happy place)
  • 5:40 pm - Share your happy place, how did it make you feel, which of your senses stood out to you?
  • 5:50 pm - Gratitude task (being mindfulness of the small things you're grateful for)
  • 5:55pm - Q&A

Meet Vicky Fytche, our Wellbeing Delivery Manager at OneWellness

'Mindfulness Workshop' as part of Leeds Wellbeing Week image
'Mindfulness Workshop' as part of Leeds Wellbeing Week image