MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm)


MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes, represents our 16 years of handbell innovations and creative work in Singapore and internationally, establishing a Distinctly MOB & unique Singaporean-style of making handbell music. Our work is greatly influenced by the communal factors of inclusiveness, community outreach and the constant demands of artistry excellence. This is a high energy musical evening at our 16th concert, thru handbells, featuring original locally composed and arranged handbell music & works from the Big Screens, Contemporary, Disney, Musical Theatre.


Technical accomodations are made for the comfort of all the audiences. This show is suitable for the general audience, while sharing the same space with persons with disabilities / special needs & their families.

Bringing together locally premiered works with very well-known international music titles & an established & exciting (& unique) Traditional English Handbell Ringing art-form combined with educational bantering (linking the different styles/music/titles) with acting, multimedia & sensorial-experiences (visual-sounds-touch-hear-sight-movement), our handbell concerts will be a totally new experience for many of our audiences.

The MOB-16 is fronted by Traditional English Handbells, combined with 2 co-story tellers (R.Chandran, & our conductor), in addition to local professional artists and foreign guest ringers, joining us to boost up our artistry and presentation.

MOB-16 will be led by our Principal Conductor, Damien Lim, and sharing the stage with him are MOB’s Conductor Stephy Neo & returning since 2019: one of America’s most prominent handbell figures, Michael Glasgow.

For both shows, there will also be the return of our pre-show sensorial exitbition and hands-on experience (if measures permit), where audiences will be treated to:

a) an exhibition of what is a sensory-friendly concert poster presentation

b) hands-on bell ringing activities and petting-zoo

c) community drum circle

NON-Refundable / NON-Changable / NON-Transferable.

STALL enter from Level 3, CIRCLE enter from Level 4.

Children under the age of 3 years old will NOT be admitted.


MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image
MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image
MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image
MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image
MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image
MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image
MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image
MOB-16: Fantasies, Hopes and Wishes (3 pm) image