Morning Movement Qigong


Daily Energy routine with

Theresa Janday

Qigong,sound,channel meditation movement Breath work and mindfulness

From @loveauthenticme on YouTube & Facebook Instagram @theresajanday

Each morning at 6:30 am Monday to Friday and for one hour power hour to start your morning

Qigong what is it ????

Do you struggle with aches & pains, fatigue & low energy, unexplained headaches, digestive issues, frequent colds, or skin problems?

China has studied the flow of nature for thousands of years. As part of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being This wisdom is summarised in qigong Working with your endocrine lymphatic system flow of the bodies energy Qigong can be described as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one's mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique and more we work with the bodies Emotional intelligence adding in affirmations as well as sound frequency to work with your brain wave Neuro plasticity

Normally In our morning class Theresa talks you through the movements

Once you get experienced in the forms, Qigong becomes a dance of health, focusing strongly on core and spinal health. Practitioners say this form will:

*Strengthen your body

*Promote spinal health

*Improve physiological responses

*Enhance energy flow within your body

*Mobilize your joints

*Aid in stress-reduction

*Sharpen your mental focus

*Working with the bodies emotional intelligence (mindset)

*right ,left brain hemisphere

*Bring emotional balance

If you experience back or neck pain, or other mobility issues, this is the perfect for you. It is gentler than other forms of Movement yet still powerful. It’s a great stepping stone into getting your body moving , And working as a stand alone or alongside other Exercise & movement .

come along and try for your self to see the difference after a few weeks

Practice with me every morning for 12 weeks and you’ll feel a smoothness to your movements like you’ve never experienced before. Join me every morning mon-Fri 630am in telegram ( there’s a additional pinned work out in the group on occasional days off for theresa )

230pm Wednesdays 15min pick me up

If the time doesn’t suit there is a pined video recording , occasional weekend morning session live (Fri energy session recording available for members only )

You will need to view class telegram

morning qigong group

Turn your workout into a flowing dance of health. No charges apply for joining group though all donations are welcome

Donate by clicking and purchasing your ticket suggested donation £5 a week

if you wish to support Theresa further so she can keep giving access to more free content


Sign up to learn more about Qigong and other health practices to transform belief and body such as meditation ,mindfulness and leading a stressfree life style with monthly meeting card reading guidance and Channelled sound healing by becoming a member foundation membership price of a coffee so why not try it out !!!

It’s time to get up and move with the flow! Sign up now at the link below

You’ll have access to the lessons workshops and private members group for life!

To become a patreon and founding member

Morning Movement Qigong image
Morning Movement Qigong image
Morning Movement Qigong image