Moving Towards Wholeness: Sound Healing / Breathwork / Reiki / Movement


The Moving Towards Wholeness Event is for you if you want to experience a deep journey inwards working with the power of breath to access altered states of consciousness. This event is supported by four 'big heart' facilitators, through sound healing, breathwork, reiki energy work and kundalini body movement. These modalities allow the body to release stuck and suppressed energies, dissolving all that is no longer needed to be held on to in our conscious and subconscious mind.

This creates, space, new energy, liberation and freedom leading to new ways of being in the world. This is a personal healing journey. The event will provide healing and a transformational impact to our nervous system, physical and emotional body leading to a new awareness of space within, remembering who we truly are as whole beings.

This session is for you if you are seeking in your life:

  • Deeper understanding of yourself and the connection within.
  • Accessing into the essence of who you truly are, your authentic true self.
  • Enhanced state of being, greater sense of self love and self compassion.
  • Increased awareness in your life of purpose, joy, peace and fulfilment
  • Reducing stress and anxiety in your life.
  • Physiological healing as over 70% of toxins are released through the breath.
  • Dramatically improve your overall wellbeing, your immune system and health.
  • Releasing limiting beliefs, trauma and suppressed emotions and habits
  • Clarity of your life purpose and highest potential

*We want to make this event super inclusive: you choose what you feel you are wanting to pay and we have also included tickets for free for anyone that is currently going through financial hardship. Ticket options x4: $55, $45, $35, $0

If you’re breathing now, then this event is for you. If you’re stressed out or suffering from anxiety, this event is for you. If you’re happy and serene, this event if for you.

Our intention with ‘Moving Towards Wholeness Event’ is to give you the tools to help you move into the areas where the energy is blocked. And that’s where Mindfulness, Breathwork, Reiki and our Spiritual teachings and wisdom comes in. If you’re open to getting out of your head and coming into your body and soul, this event is for you. If you’re ready to gain a deeper understanding of yourself while getting out of your comfort zone, I highly recommend this event for you.

You will be supported through the whole process, taking you through a technique called somatic and holotrophic breathwork. This type of work is intensive but incredibly healing. Essentially what this type of breathwork does when completed in long durations, is it quietens your analytical/thinking mind and helps you to access the reptilian part of your brain. What this means is that through our breath we can enter our body more fully and release stored emotions and trauma. If you can imagine our body is like a memory stick, it remembers the energetic feelings which accompany various emotions and these emotions if not processed accordingly stick and therefore become stagnant within our body.

You will be guided through this experience by holding space whilst allowing you to recognise that you are your own healer. You will be supporting and guiding when needed and aligning your energy points simply by sending Reiki (the healing energy supporting it to automatically flow especially around the main energy points placing my hands on or near the body such as around the head, shoulders, stomach, and feet which can be hands on or off. This allows you to sense such deeper harmony within.

What could you feel from the breathwork?

The goal of this technique is to help you make improvements to your psychological and spiritual development. Somatic and holotropic breathing may also bring about physical benefits. The entire process is meant to activate your natural capacity for healing.

Holotropic breathing is said to facilitate mental, spiritual, and physical healing benefits. It’s thought to have the potential to bring about improved self-awareness and a more positive outlook on life. You can use it to support your development in a variety of ways.

This practice allows you to move beyond your body and ego to get in touch with your true self and spirit. It allows you to better connect with others and the natural world. Holotropic breathing may be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including:

  • depression
  • stress
  • addiction
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • chronic pain
  • avoidance behaviours

Some people have used the technique to get rid of negative thoughts and also used it to help manage trauma. The practice helps some people to find new purpose and direction in their lives.

What is Reiki Energy Work?

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that helps to reduce stress, enhance the quality of life and improve one’s health. It’s simple and safe and treats the whole person including the mind, body, emotions and spirit. It’s done by laying the hands lightly on, or just above, a fully clothed body. A subtle energy flows from the hands of the facilitator into you to activate their body’s natural healing processes. It's based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If your "life force energy" is low, then you’re more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, you’re more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki is a natural tool for raising one’s energy and can be used for self-healing and helping others.

What could you feel from the Reiki?

Most likely you’ll feel super relaxed, as if your body is melting. Since Reiki helps balance the energy centers in our bodies (chakras, meridians, and auras), you might notice how your energy begins to flow more freely or that blocked energy loosens. You may get sudden bodily twitches or gargling in your stomach as the blocked energy loosens. You might feel tingling or lightness as if you’re floating. Some clients feel warmth in their bodies, others may see colors. Spiritual experiences sometimes take place where you have visions of spiritual beings. However, it is not necessary to have an inner experience for the Reiki to have worked.

Important Information:

This type of healing modality can bring up trauma. I mention this because I think it is important to be aware of this, although I don't think it should inhibit your decision to take part. Spending time feeling into what is coming up for you before you start the session and know that you are held by this universe. Your subconscious will only ever throw up what you can handle.

A further piece of information worth mentioning is that because this work can be intensive, we can get what is known as purging. I like to think of purging as letting go of stored emotions. Sometimes this can happen through vomiting. This is not super common but purging does happen even if there isn’t a physical purge, quite often there are movements and feelings which resemble this.

Important Disclaimer: Safety is of the upmost importance of Moving Towards Wholeness event. Due to the nature of the work, the deep process and breathwork, there are certain conditions that will stop you from being able to attend.

  • High blood pressure
  • Diagnosed severe PTSD
  • Severe mental health conditions (e.g. bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis)
  • Currently taking any heavy medication that alters the brain chemistry
  • Detached retina
  • Recent physical injuries, fractures or surgeries
  • Epilepsy
  • History or diagnosis of aneurisms
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • History of seizures
  • Diabetes
  • Hospitalisation of any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, spiritual emergence within the last 3 years.
  • Any other medical psychiatric condition or physical condition that would impair or affect your ability to engage in activities involving intense physical activity and emotional release.
  • Adverse reactions from recent medical procedures.
  • Anyone who is pregnant or has had serious head injuries and or heart conditions.

*By purchasing a ticket you are agreeing that you do not have any of these conditions.

*If you have any questions: email:

Moving Towards Wholeness: Sound Healing / Breathwork / Reiki  / Movement image