NAAP #AdoptionHappyHour 7pm EST - Moses Farrow - Multi-Cultural Family


Join host Marcie Keithley as she welcomes Moses Farrow on Growing Up in a Multi-Cultural Family with Adoption Trauma.

Moses Farrow is one of 14 children, ten of whom were adopted by Mia Farrow. He and his siblings came from South Korea, Vietnam, India, England and the U.S. Moses has been interviewed and published globally on Adoption Trauma. He has worked in the mental health field for over 20 years, presenting nationally and internationally, sharing his personal and professional experiences of adoption, abuse and suicide loss. Since the start of COVID-19, he started an anti-racism campaign, has advocated for the rights of adopted people and founded the #truthislouder social media initiative aimed to save the lives of adopted people. | |

Registered attendees will be emailed a link to the event on Zoom Meeting on Thursday and Friday. If you add the event to your calendar when you register you can launch the Zoom Meeting from the calendar event. (click the play button in the center of the event image)

Please download and LOG into Zoom Meeting in advance of the event

To ensure the safety and privacy of this event, it will not be uploaded to Youtube or be made available to the public.

For participant safety we will:

1. We will lock all participants on mute and unlock their microphones one at a time only when they've been recognized (By raising their virtual hand, raising their hand on their screen, or messaging Marcie directly in the chat room) by the co-moderators.

2. We only send the URL and password from the Eventbrite invitation after someone has registered through Eventbrite.

3. Participants are NOT to share the URL or password - instead, they should have people refer to our Happy Hour Eventbrite Web page so they can register and obtain the URL and password directly.

By clicking on this link, you understand and agree that:

1. This is a public meeting with no guarantee or representation that information or identity shared is confidential.

2. Here's how to create a first name only or an anonymous user profile. You will have the option to disable your image and mute your microphone, should you choose to do so.

3. This is a facilitated peer support group, not a group therapy session. If you are experiencing a serious mental health event, such as suicidal thoughts, please contact a licensed professional or suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255

4. You agree to hold harmless NAAP, its individual board members, facilitators, and planners of #adoptionhappyhour from any liability for outcomes of your participation in this event.

5. The hosts of this facilitated peer support group reserve the right to limit access to anyone deemed inappropriate, threatening, or otherwise disruptive to the group and its intended purpose.

NAAP #AdoptionHappyHour 7pm EST - Moses Farrow - Multi-Cultural Family image