
A New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle and a fresh start. During this time the Moon is empty and receptive and full of potential. This is an optimum time to plant seeds of intentions for what you wish to manifest in your life.

New Moon provides us with an opportunity to take the time to create SACRED SPACE for ourselves and devoid of any kind of ritual that creates the space for us to connect. There is something so powerful when women come together to support each other on their journey in the hopes and dreams. We are healed, we are nurtured, we feel comforted and understood. Moreover, when you share sacred space together you magnify the power of your intentions and you energetically create a web of support for not only your circle of women but with women everywhere.

During a New Moon Circle you will be guided, experience and enjoy:

- The Sacred Moontime Rituals

- Astrology Insights

- Journaling

- Tea Ceremony