November Women’s Temple Circle


 About Women’s Temple

That which we are longing for is who we already are ~ this insight is the basis for our spiritual exploration in Women’s Temple. Our practice is not towards a goal of attainment in the future; it is a process of melting, of unraveling the wisdom and beauty already inherent in each woman. There is no more powerful place to do that than in a circle of conscious women.

Instead of enforcing the status quo by focusing on our problems and personal shortcomings, Temple practices connect us with truth beyond our fears and limited self images. From this deeper place, we can navigate our lives with Presence and inner guidance, instead of exhausting ourselves in trying to be leaders from a tense, competitive and disconnected state of mind.

Women’s Temple is based upon being present in the body. A lot of the practices are interactive and include movement, as well as respectful touch. The feminine touch has an inviting quality to it that softens, opens and invites deeper presence into our bodies. All the numb and cold places, the unmet corners of our body can be visited with gentle awareness as we cultivate a greater capacity to allow feelings, as energy, to flow through our bodies. Respectful touch is most women’s favorite part.

In this Temple we will continue to explore our Sacred NO and Sacred YES. These essential parts of our primal selves that guide our lives on a moment to moment basis. We will explore finding the light within as we move into the darker months.