Nurture Your Stars Using Astrological Aromatherapy: Zodiac Signs & Houses


For centuries, healers have recognized the natural connection between plants, planets and astrological signs. Your birth chart offers guidance as to how to use essential oils to help you reinforce your true nature, balance your physical and emotional energies, address stressful aspects in your chart and provide support during difficult times. In Part Two we will be diving into Zodiac Signs and Houses.

Space is very limited; RSVP to save your spot! $33 investment includes astrological chart, handouts and wellness check to suggest the best essential oils for you.

Be sure to submit your birth information (Include your birth date, place and time) so Astrologer Danie C. Muniz so she can calculate astrological charts for you to use during class. No charts can be calculated at the class.

Danie is also available for personal astrological aromatherapy consultations, in person or by phone at (626) 541-2363.