
RCTC Foundation's 22nd Annual OAKS (Overcoming Adversity Keeping Strong) Scholarship Celebration

Thursday, September 29, 2022

6:30 pm- Social Hour & Hors D'Ouevres

7:30 pm- Award Ceremony

After our first virtual event last year, the OAKS has been re-imagined from a traditional gala to an evening scholarship reception in an effort to direct more funds to our scholarship recipients.

The event will be held on-campus and will feature inspiring stories from our students, hors d'ouevres and desserts, and an opportunity to help more students achieve their dreams.

Last year's recipients Brynn Fritsche, Kamron Francis, Bryan Chase, and Nicole Beyer had a difficult journey to come to RCTC, but with the help of an RCTC OAKS Scholarship have moved forward towards their goals.

This year, you will meet 6 new OAKS recipients who are pursuing an education for a better future. For more information visit

Dress code is Festive/Business professional(e.g. like you might wear to a wedding or an interview).