October Celebrate Recovery Cultural Communities Connections Zoom


Join CR Cultural Communities Connections -- Thursday, Oct 13th

You will hear life changing stories, engaging conversations, messages of hope and freedom from the Celebrate Recovery Community.

Cultural Communities is a ministry of Celebrate Recovery. Existing to uniquely support Black, Latino/Latina, Indigenous, AAPI and other people of color, as well as their families, as they engage in the hard work of recovery. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for people of color to experience freedom and community.

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues and challenges that are controlling our lives.

Check out the time in your zone!

5:30 PST

6:30 MST

7:30 CST

8:30 EST

Register here and the zoom link will be sent to you.

Questions? Email info@cherylluke.com