ONLINE: Dating While Kinky


This class will be offered both in person at the Wicked Grounds Annex in San Francisco, and simultaneously as a live, online class offered through Zoom. Please select SF or online tickets in the event listings before purchasing tickets.

This listing is for the online event on Zoom. If you would prefer a ticket for the in person version, please go to our listings at to select that option.

Whether you're doing online dating, speed dating, blind dates, or the million other ways we meet people, it's hard enough to be yourself and just get to know the someone -- or several someones -- best for you.

Add a desire for fetish/ kink/ leather/ BDSM to the mix, and things get even trickier. When do you talk about kink? How do you talk about it? How do you get what you want safely?

In this Kink 101 session, we'll talk about a variety of strategies for navigating the dating world as a kinkster, including:

- Dating resources in the kink community

- Online dating sites/ apps that work for kinksters, and a lot that don't . . .

- How to navigate those first few crucial dates

- Red flags and green lights to watch for

- Basic negotiations

- Choosing Mx. Right Now, and Mx. Right


Miriam Green has been in the public kink scene for over one dozen years in the Austin, Houston and San Francisco scenes. They teach a series of KINK 101 classes on the SF kink community, BDSM negotiations, and dating while kinky. They also are the owner of Wicked Grounds, San Francisco's first and only kink cafe & boutique.


$15 - $35 in advance.

We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.

The regular ticket is $25. This is what most people should pay.

The $15 ticket is offered for those for whom the $25 ticket would be a barrier to participation. If $25 is too much, we take your word for it! Just pay $15.

Have a great salary? Feeling generous? Paying at the $35 level allows us to make the discounted ticketing available to others who need it. :)

So - that's it! Choose the level you can comfortably afford.


This class will be taught out of the Wicked Grounds Annex, and will simultaneously be offered as a live, online class through Zoom. You may choose to attend in person at the Wicked Grounds Annex in San Francisco, or online from anywhere in the world!

This event listing is for the online event tickets. There is also a listing for in person tickets on our page at for the same date and time.

The class will be taught out of the Wicked Grounds Annex. While the space is ADA friendly once upstairs, stairs at the front door are the only means of ingress and egress to the space.

Or, attend online anywhere via Zoom! To participate, you will need to download the free, basic version of the Zoom app before the class. This class will not be recorded and is not available for later viewing. Zoom now provides closed captioning which will be available for this event.