Online talk: Why are we all so anxious? And what do we do about it?


In collaboration with Herd Strong ( I am pleased to be able to offer a brief online talk to support our rural community and those who would be unable to attend an in person event.

This workshop is aimed at adults, and parents/carers of children and young people aged 5 upwards, without significant developmental trauma/abuse backgrounds (this would require a different approach to that proposed in this talk).

The principles we will discuss are applicable to a wide range of ages and situations, and will be beneficial whether you feel anxious occasionally or often, and whether or not you have reached out to a professional for support before.

We will answer the following questions -

- Why do we feel anxious?

- What can we do to help ourselves, and our tamariki?

Everyone who attends will leave the session with some ideas of things to try next time anxiety arises.

There is a lot of material packed into half an hour including a short time for attendees to ask questions, so please be aware there will be limited time for 1:1 discussions about specific difficulties. If you'd like to discuss your difficulties in more detail, please contact me to arrange a separate session. At the end of the talk I will also be highlighting various options for further support.

Location - online - a link will be supplied nearer to the event. This event will not be recorded.

Booking information - the cost for this session is $30 per family. This is a great opportunity to get a few people around the table and watch together. Why not get some coffees and a packet of biscuits and use it as an excuse to open up the conversation over morning tea?

Information for professionals - for the therapeutic safety of those attending this event, spaces are strictly only for those attending for their personal interest. If you wish to discuss options for professional training/consultation/supervision for yourself or your team, please get in touch.

Interested in a workshop or talk but would prefer a different time/topic/location? Please let me know here so I can consider if for the future -

Find out more about me at

Contact me on 021 748 831 or

Online talk: Why are we all so anxious? And what do we do about it? image